Sunday, September 11, 2016

My Favorite Aesthetic Books

I feel like all of us bookworms have been there before: standing in a bookstore or browsing Amazon when all of a sudden your eye catches on a book title and the temptation arises to buy it purely based on the prettiness of the cover. Most likely, you’ll end up buying it, too.

Covers aren’t the only thing pleasing to the eye, though: there’s stained pages, decked edges, and imprints on hardcovers. As a person who spends a lot of time taking pictures of books, here are some that look beautiful on camera and absolutely delicious displayed on my shelf!

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Rainbow Rowell Books.

Pastels, pastels, and more pastels. If you’re a fan of brightly colored books (I know I am) then any of Rainbow Rowell’s books will do; the covers are the cutest with adorable drawings and fonts, and the spines are to die for!

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The Raven Cycle.

These covers are gorgeous with colors that compliment one another. Also, the dust jackets are shiny! What more could you ask for?

submergedinwords, submerged in words, bookstagram, books, book covers, aesthetic, food, young adult books, book blog, pretty

The Winner’s Trilogy.

I mentioned those decked edges, and that is exactly what caught my eye when I first bought a copy of The Winner’s Curse! Also, there are beautiful symbols imprinted on the hardcovers if you peak under the jackets…

submergedinwords, submerged in words, bookstagram, books, book covers, aesthetic, food, young adult books, book blog, pretty

Collectable Classics.

One of the prettiest book collections I own is my Puffin in Bloom classics editions. These books are a blessing to photograph! Really, it’s pretty much impossible for me to get a bad photo of them. Those little flowers decorating the covers. *sigh*

submergedinwords, submerged in words, bookstagram, books, book covers, aesthetic, food, young adult books, book blog, pretty

YA Dystopian Books.

Okay, obviously this doesn’t apply to all dystopian books—I’ve seen my fair share of awful covers in this genre. But for some reason, dystopian and sci fi novels have a habit of obtaining gorgeous and edgy-looking covers. Maybe it’s because the publishers are trying so hard to market them to teens? Just look at these!

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This Freaking Book.

Guys, I’m not lying—it’s impossible for me to get a bad picture of The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma. It has the most gorgeous, aesthetic cover. Just look at that striking red, and that font, and those vines climbing everywhere!

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Whatever You Find Attractive.

I could sit here all day ranting about books I find positively stunning. I haven’t even covered half of them, but those are just a few of my immediate favorites! What are some of yours?

submergedinwords, submerged in words, bookstagram, books, book covers, aesthetic, food, young adult books, book blog, pretty

1 comment:

  1. This post is so awesome! I love aesthetically pleasing books. I love the covers of The Selection series.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
